

To demystify unconscious bias and provide solutions in restoring equality to marginalized individuals in policing and in everyday life. We ALL have our own biases. You are NOT alone.

How It Works

At any given moment, you are faced with 11 million pieces of  information; however, only 40 of those bits of information is actually processed, according to Timothy Wilson, professor of psychology at the University of Virginia. Essentially, people are making decisions based off of very little processed information and are likely misinformed, missing the big picture completely. If you do not believe us, prove us wrong. Take the test.


Do you know what it means to have an unconscious bias? We seek to empower and assist individuals in America to think outside of their learned biases through education and awareness.


A documentary series that tells the life stories of marginalized American citizens mainly of those who are of different races, religions, sexualities, genders, socio-economic status, etc. and address certain inalienable human and civil rights and liberties.


To influence the judicial system and hold those individuals accountable to for their actions that are a direct result of their implicit biases.

Next Steps...

"To sin by silence, when we should protest, makes cowards out of men." - Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Answer our call when you are tired of being silent.